Companies require corporate intelligence are facing compliance requirements mandating appropriate screening and due diligence of customers, partners, vendors and executive hires.
Provident Consulting Services assists companies by providing corporate intelligence which mitigates risks and maintains a business’ reputation by meeting compliance requirements, and complex domestic and international due diligence services. We provide our clients with the intelligence they need to make informed decisions about the companies and people with whom they do business.
Provident Consulting Services’ Investigative Due Diligence solutions delve deeply into the backgrounds of prospective business partners, investment recipients, new hires, board members, corporate entities and parties to litigation. Leveraging a blend of public records research, subscription databases and human intelligence, Provident Consulting Services is able to swiftly develop deep insights into the business history, resources, credentials and reputations of the parties in question. Unlike many companies which simply report information taken from public records databases, Provident Consulting Services creates a unique plan of action tailored to each case. We seek and review information directly from the source, doing manual searches and employing local investigators when necessary. The insights provided by this type of in-depth research will often raise red flags, bringing attention to issues that may not have been apparent in a review of a company or fund and its performance, or a potential new hire and their employment history. Provident Consulting Services’ due diligence research can include, but is not limited to: Verification of identify Asset location and verification Corporate affiliations Business and personal reputation inquiries Verification of degrees, licenses and credentials Employment history Civil Litigation Criminal records Judgments, liens and UCC filings Regulatory filings and sanctions, and International Terrorist and Criminal Lists Media Review.
The scope of Provident Consulting Service’s international due diligence research can cover the legality of the source of investment funds, prior business practices, third party vendors and relationships and other factual inquiries that may help the client avoid monetary losses and damage to reputation as well as meeting Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, Know Your Customer and other regulatory requirements. This service is particularly valuable if the proposed venture will operate in higher risk jurisdictions, where business is not adequately protected by contract law, making success heavily dependent on trust and good faith between the parties. In both English and the local language, Provident Consulting Services’ expert sources around the globe review local media and public records, as well as confirming professional registrations and ownership, and conducting an assessment of regulatory exposure and involvement in legal proceedings. In jurisdictions where court records and corporate filings are not as accessible, we augment our research with in-country and on-site research and inquiries that can provide insight into a subject’s corporate affiliations, character, political connections or business practices.
Asset Investigation’s are comprehensive financial investigation that includes all real property, vehicles, and businesses owned or affiliated with the subject. Identification of all judgments, liens, UCCs, bankruptcy filings, and patents. Additional financial history is available. Call to discuss.
We provide all types of investigative services to include reputation inquiries, asset searches, vendor screening and pre-engagement screening.